Friday, July 10, 2009

Judge not...

I know Scripture says, "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Matthew 7:1

I get so tired of people running around, telling people, "Judge not! Judge not!"

Finish the passage, people.

This is an exerpt of IVP New Testament Commentaries - it says what I think.

Even if we knew people's hearts, we could not evaluate degrees of personal guilt as if we understood all the genetic and social influences that combine with personal sinful choices in making some people more vulnerable to particular temptations (such as alcohol or spouse abuse) than others. Most important, Jesus warns us that even if we knew people's hearts, we would be in no position to judge unless we had lived sinless lives, never needing God's forgiveness (vv. 3-5; compare 6:12, 14-15).

Many people have ripped this passage out of context, however. Jesus warns us not to assume God's prerogative to condemn the guilty; he is not warning us not to discern truth from error (see 7:15-23). Further, Jesus does not oppose offering correction, but only offering correction in the wrong spirit (v. 5; compare 18:15-17; Gal 6:1-5).

When I see or point out an obvious problem (or even one that isn't so obvious) I am not judging - it's called discernment! If I try to fill in their motives or if I decide what their punishment should be - that is what I call judging.

I feel like smacking someone when I hear them saying, "Judge not..."


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