Sunday, July 12, 2009

Delegating to Duds

Planning for VBS has been in the works for a couple months now. In the course of time, I have given up control of a number of things. I gave one of the ladies a list of the foods for each night. Another lady said she'd call some of the pizza places to see if they would donate pizza for one night. She also said she knew someone with puppets and she'd take care of borrowing some.

Another lady (new) said she'd buy the chicken nuggets at a discount place. All the teachers were asked to read the book of Jonah and look through their lessons. The director said he'd take care of organizing for the puppet shows each night. And the new lady took the worksheets, name tags, crafts, registration signs, etc.

Since VBS is for 3 days - T, W, TH - we figured Monday night would be a good time to meet and get things finalized.

I saw the "food lady" between SS and church, and asked her how we were doing on donated food items. "I have no idea. All I have is a list of the meals."

Today after the morning service, we met briefly to run through some last minute things.

Someone mentioned food, and again, the food lady said she had no idea, but listed the food items. She said that the one lady was supposed to line up the pizzas. Pizza lady said, "WHAT?" I must have hung my head or looked exasperated, b/c the pastor assured me it would be taken care of.

The new lady has the nuggets already, so we'll do that Tuesday night. She also has all the other things taken care of.

The puppets just got here this week. The director is just meeting tonight with the teens doing the puppet show. In 2 days. He's had the final script for 2 weeks now.

All the teachers have looked over their lessons and have read the book of Jonah. Except for one - the pastor.

The bulletin announced that people should meet at the church at 6 pm to go out handing out flyers. Flyers that were printed a month ago.

I could just scream. But I am putting my head down and plowing through my last minute responsibilities.

I think next year should be a one day VBS, and I will schedule my yearly gyn. exam, a dentist appointment and a mammogram that day if we can't run out of town.


  1. I think the new lady should be in charge next year. :)

  2. New lady? I didn't know we had a new lady.
