Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I am against Obamacare

I am NOT against health care reform!

STOP thinking that if I am against this bill that I want cancer-ridden children to die a long, painful death!

I want a plan that will change the problems and leave what is working ALONE. Don't make me pay more because someone is too lazy to get off their big fat butt to do SOMETHING to pay their OWN way.

Don't tax ME because I already pay HIGH premiums for the insurance we now have!

I am not un-Christian because I feel this way! Jesus was NOT a socialist! He gave directly to the needy. He did not need to go through the government. It is not the responsibility of the government!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

When did Americans become stupid and helpless?

When did we decide it was safe to trust Washington? While we were sleeping, the foxes got into the henhouse, attacked the chickens and ate all the eggs.

The crazy part is, we have been paying these raiding politicians’ exorbitant salaries with our hard-earned money. At least they left poop for us to clean up! Cool!

The president and our politicians keep calling us stupid, and we smile and nod. Nancy Pelosi said, “We need to pass the health care bill so you can find out what is in it.”

Passing legislation is supposed to be like opening a gift? This bill is reportedly nearing 3,000 pages. But it doesn’t matter that the people voting won’t have time to read it. They don’t need to read it, analyze it, or consult with constituents.

Rep. John Conyers (MI) mocked those who wanted him to read H.R. 3200 before voting for it. “I love these members that get up and say, ‘Read the bill!’ What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages, and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?” I don’t know why you’d want to read a legal, binding document that affects millions of people before you sign it!

We don’t need to read the bill before it is passed. Shhh — go back to sleep. Why would I want my representatives to come home and talk to me face to face about this bill? Senator Cardin held two town hall meetings last August. Sen. Mikulski broke her ankle about that time, so she didn’t hold any. Compare that to Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) who held 17 meetings in five days, Ambien, anyone?

President Obama said everything will be ok. Just relax, go back to sleep, and have sweet dreams. President Obama stated, “A big part of our campaign was about changing the way Washington works.” Twisting arms, making bribes, threats and closed-door deals to pass a bill are just the NEW way things get done. What happened to putting these meetings on C-SPAN?

This bill will make health care fair for everyone, wink, wink. Don’t worry about fairness for people paying high premiums for their insurance when everyone gets the same coverage, though.

Medicare is a great example of how the President’s plan will work. In 2009, Medicare spent $462 billion to care for 45.2 million people — an average of $102,212 PER PERSON. Last year, the cost of health care for my family of four — including the employer’s part, premiums, medications, a week’s hospital stay and a newly-diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetic — was under $42,000. But it’s ok, Stupid.

The president has set a deadline for the passing of this bill; everything in it must be really great. But if this bill is so great for health care, why is a provision being added to control college loans? No public or private companies will be able to offer loans or grants to students.

This bill isn’t about health care. It’s about the government controlling every area of our lives that we relinquish. Do we really want the government dictating to us the specifics of our health care? They’ve already done a phenomenal job. Smile, and nod, Dummy.

Wake up, friends! We are not stupid or helpless! We have our families, each other, and most importantly, we have God. We need to see the grappling hooks on our end of the strings attached to the federal government handouts.