Sunday, May 31, 2009

"Dr." Tiller

Today a murderer was murdered. "Dr." Tiller was shot while ushering at his church.

My heart goes out to his family, his church, his community.

I don't condone anyone shooting anyone.

But here are my thoughts.

1) The man who shot Tiller deserves to be punished.

2) I put Dr. in quotation marks because anyone who would kill a baby is not a doctor in my opinion.

3) "Dr." Tiller will now face God's judgment for all the children he murdered.


  1. There is tremendous irony in someone killing another because that person didn't hold life sacred. I'm afraid that this kind of thing does great harm to the pro-life cause.

  2. I completely agree.

    In that person's twisted thoughts, I can only imagine he was seeking revenge or was thinking of preventing the murder of many through the killing of one.

    Doesn't make it right. And now pro-life advocates are all viewed as terrorists like the government wants us to be classified.
