Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Name Calling

I am so tired of people in the media referring to conservatives as ignorant, red-neck, right-wing whack jobs who are the fringe of society.


I am one of 57,000,000 who did NOT vote for Obama. Are you trying to tell me that all 57M are stupid?

I recently read an article in the NY Times that basically claimed that.

Well, I sent the author MY opinion.

Mr. Rich, It is your vitriol that continues to widen the divide between Liberals and Conservatives. YOU, sir, are perpetuating the idea of reducing differing views to calling names and inciting anger. Why is it that I cannot disagree with the policies of the current president without being labeled a “hater”? If that is the case, every critic of the former administration is a hater, too. Your opinions may be a one-way street, but true logic is not.

I am not an “Obama hater”. I completely disagree with his policies. My opinion has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin. I don’t think he has the experience it takes to run a country, and unfortunately, we now have to just wait and see what damage he will do to our constitution and our rights as Americans.

I am pro-life, conservative, and Republican out of lack of a real party of the people. I’m also a college grad, with years of experience in industry, non-profit, and private companies. I’m tired of being viewed as ignorant and uneducated. I dare say, I have more education and a higher IQ than the majority of people who have posted their opinions here. I am not a member of a “fringe” group. I am one of 57 million people who did not vote for Obama.

I have not, nor would I ever, in any way, shape or form, encourage murdering anyone; not even an abortion doctor who makes his living murdering unborn babies. Whether the act is legal or not is not relevant when it comes to the sanctity of life. My heart goes out to Tiller’s family, church and community. He has now had to answer to God for his actions.

I am sure many of your readers will have a different opinion when their freedoms are taken away and/or their industry is taxed out of existence, and they are reduced to depending on the government for sub-standard hand-outs. Anyone remember cheese subsidies in the 80s? Look at the Chrysler sale for an example of the government ignoring law, and ram-rodding Obama’s agenda through.

You are in desperate need of competent sources and a math lesson if you think Obama’s spending is less than that of Bush! Does it really matter who has spent more if they both have spent money THEY don’t have, much less money WE don’t have?! Or worse yet, money my children won’t have!

Since when is an observation of the growing frustration people are feeling endorsing the actions of crazy people? What about left-wing haters? Are you saying you endorse their actions? THEY are the consistently violent groups. Where is your coverage of THEM?

Most of your readers like your opinion piece because they are of the same opinion. How is that different or better than people who prefer to get their news from a source with a similar opinion? Is it acceptable because they are getting their view from YOU? How arrogant, sir.

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