Monday, June 22, 2009


When are people going to stop relying on the government to meet their daily needs?

I know there are people who need help. I know there are disabled people who need help.

I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the thousands of people who sit on their fat butts waiting for the government to give them what they think they deserve.

Get off your butt and work. If there aren't jobs where you are, go to where there are jobs. Don't quit trying because it isn't easy. Don't quit because you feel entitled to more or better. There are many poor people who aren't waiting for a handout because they have pride in themselves; in what they CAN do.

And what burns me up the most? When these poor people dress in gaudy, flashy clothes, with their hair done up and fake nails. If they are really that hard up that they can't afford food or medicine, how did they afford fake nails and big diamond earrings? The American people are being conned. And I'm sick of it.

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