Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Joke is a Joke is a Joke

Apparently, it's ok for a black, gay woman to make an improper joke, but not a white man. What's up with that? If a joke is not funny, it's not funny no matter who the person telling it is or who the people mentioned are.

If it's not funny to joke about a Democrat's demise, it's not funny to joke about a Republican's demise.

Someone needs to tell the president that it's not funny to laugh - especially in public - at improper jokes.


  1. Something else I've missed - can you direct me to a news story about this?

  2. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2009/05/11/2009-05-11_a_red_herring_called_wanda.html

  3. Interesting story. Funny how that double standard works.
