Thursday, May 14, 2009

Can you imagine?

Can you imagine the blowback white people would experience if they publicly stated they were only going to shop at stores owned by white people?

How on earth is it ok for one "color" of people to say it and not another? I think it's one thing to shop in your neighborhood versus online or versus traveling to a city. But to say that you will only purchase any item from someone of your own "race" is ridiculous. Shouldn't the real issue be purchasing items that are made in the USA?

That's a whole other rant, isn't it.,2933,519965,00.html


  1. I don't know - I have mixed feelings about this. One one hand, if I have a choice between patronizing a Christian's business or a non-Christian's business, I choose the Christian's. On the other hand, it's interesting that the participants in this experiment reflect favorably on segregation. I think phrase "ethnic cheerleading" in the last paragraph pretty much sums it up.

    And you're right about the flak that a white family would get it they did the same thing.

  2. This gets my blood boiling. All these years in history of black people complaining about equal rights- things are starting to look like the days before MLK "had a dream". Except this time, instead of being segregated; they are segregating themselves. I think if you really look at it, it is a slap in the face to Martin Luther King Jr.
