Today a murderer was murdered. "Dr." Tiller was shot while ushering at his church.
My heart goes out to his family, his church, his community.
I don't condone anyone shooting anyone.
But here are my thoughts.
1) The man who shot Tiller deserves to be punished.
2) I put Dr. in quotation marks because anyone who would kill a baby is not a doctor in my opinion.
3) "Dr." Tiller will now face God's judgment for all the children he murdered.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Ok, not technology, just tech stuff in this house. I worked on some documents on my laptop and sent them to the printer in the den. I went about my business, making lunch for the kids, sending them to the bathroom, sending them to bed.
Then I went into the den to get my papers. Nothing printed. I tried to reset the printer, but there were no lights on in the front. I turned it on and off. Nothing. I hit the reset. Nothing. I made sure the printer was connected to the hard drive on the desktop computer. Nothing. Grrrrr. By this time, I was ready to pound on the thing. And then I noticed it was not plugged in. No biggie, right? Wrong.
There were no empty spaces on the power strip. I was NOT going to sit there and try to figure out where all those cords were going. My husband will HAVE to fix this as soon as he gets home so I can print before I leave. AAAArrrrgggghhhh. Oh, and now I have a nice "gash" across the front of my leg from making my way to the power strip. Nice.
Then I went into the den to get my papers. Nothing printed. I tried to reset the printer, but there were no lights on in the front. I turned it on and off. Nothing. I hit the reset. Nothing. I made sure the printer was connected to the hard drive on the desktop computer. Nothing. Grrrrr. By this time, I was ready to pound on the thing. And then I noticed it was not plugged in. No biggie, right? Wrong.
There were no empty spaces on the power strip. I was NOT going to sit there and try to figure out where all those cords were going. My husband will HAVE to fix this as soon as he gets home so I can print before I leave. AAAArrrrgggghhhh. Oh, and now I have a nice "gash" across the front of my leg from making my way to the power strip. Nice.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
That the term "Christianity"
is used by Catholics. Society doesn't see any distinction. Whenever FOX has an expert on religion, they bring on a "Father". I was just reading a blog that I follow, and she directed us to an article on decision-making. I started reading the post when I read the little bio off to the side about the author's conversion to Christianity. And she shared why she is a Catholic. Ugggh.
That was a wasted link-follow. Now I'm rethinking following the original blog.
That was a wasted link-follow. Now I'm rethinking following the original blog.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Double Standard is so
If a GOP Senate Majority leader lied on prime time TV, and accused the CIA of lying to Congress, that person would be crucified 9 ways by Saturday.
But the Dems do not want to pursue the truth, because the accusation was made by Ms. Pelosi. It HAS to be a GOP attack stunt.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Can you imagine?
Can you imagine the blowback white people would experience if they publicly stated they were only going to shop at stores owned by white people?
How on earth is it ok for one "color" of people to say it and not another? I think it's one thing to shop in your neighborhood versus online or versus traveling to a city. But to say that you will only purchase any item from someone of your own "race" is ridiculous. Shouldn't the real issue be purchasing items that are made in the USA?
That's a whole other rant, isn't it.,2933,519965,00.html
How on earth is it ok for one "color" of people to say it and not another? I think it's one thing to shop in your neighborhood versus online or versus traveling to a city. But to say that you will only purchase any item from someone of your own "race" is ridiculous. Shouldn't the real issue be purchasing items that are made in the USA?
That's a whole other rant, isn't it.,2933,519965,00.html
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The Post Turtle
Ok - so this doesn't make me mad so much, but I thought it was more appropriate here.
A doctor struck up a conversation with a hard-working 75 year old rancher while suturing a mean cut on the old man's leathery hand. Eventually the topic got around to Obama.
The old rancher said, "Well, you know, Obama is a 'post turtle.'"Unfamiliar with the term, the doctor asked him what he meant.
The old rancher replied, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle.'"
The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued: "You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, and he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, and you just wonder what kind of complete moron put him up there to begin with."
A Joke is a Joke is a Joke
Apparently, it's ok for a black, gay woman to make an improper joke, but not a white man. What's up with that? If a joke is not funny, it's not funny no matter who the person telling it is or who the people mentioned are.
If it's not funny to joke about a Democrat's demise, it's not funny to joke about a Republican's demise.
Someone needs to tell the president that it's not funny to laugh - especially in public - at improper jokes.
If it's not funny to joke about a Democrat's demise, it's not funny to joke about a Republican's demise.
Someone needs to tell the president that it's not funny to laugh - especially in public - at improper jokes.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I didn't write this, but I couldn't say it better!
April 17, 2009
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Mr. Obama:
I have had it with you and your administration, sir. Your conduct on your recent trip overseas has convinced me that you are not an adequate representative of the United States of America collectively or of me personally.
You are so obsessed with appeasing the Europeans and the Muslim world that you have abdicated the responsibilities of the President of the United States of America. You are responsible to the citizens of the United States. You are not responsible to the peoples of any other country on earth.
I personally resent that you go around the world apologizing for the United States telling Europeans that we are arrogant and do not care about their status in the world. Sir, what do you think the First World War and the Second World War were all about if not the consideration of the peoples of Europe? Are you brain dead? What do you think the Marshall Plan was all about? Do you not understand or know the history of the 20thcentury?
Where do you get off telling a Muslim country that the United States does not consider itself a Christian country? Have you not read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States? This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and the principles governing this country, at least until you came along, come directly from this heritage. Do you not understand this?
Your bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia is an affront to all Americans. Our President does not bow down to anyone, let alone the king of Saudi Arabia. You don't show Great Britain, our best and one of our oldest allies, the respect they deserve yet you bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia. How dare you, sir! How dare you!
You can't find the time to visit the graves of our greatest generation because you don't want to offend the Germans but make time to visit a mosque in Turkey. You offended our dead and every veteran when you give the Germans more respect than the people who saved the German people from themselves. What's the matter with you?
I am convinced that you and the members of your administration have the historical and intellectual depth of a mud puddle and should be ashamed of yourselves, all of you.
You are so self-righteously offended by the big bankers and the American automobile manufacturers yet do nothing about the real thieves in this situation, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Frank, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelic, the Fannie Mae bonuses, and the Freddie Mac bonuses. What do you intend to do about them? Anything? I seriously doubt it.
What about the U.S. House members passing out $9.1 million in bonuses to their staff members on top of the $2.5 million in automatic pay raises that lawmakers gave themselves? I understand the average House aide got a 17% bonus. I took a 5% cut in my pay to save jobs with my employer.. You haven't said anything about that. Who authorized that? I surely didn't!Executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be receiving $210 million in bonuses over an eighteen-month period, that's $45 million more than the AIG bonuses. In fact, Fannie and Freddie executives have already been awarded $51 million not a bad take. Who authorized that and why haven't you expressed your outrage at this group who are largely responsible for the economic mess we have right now.
I resent that you take me and my fellow citizens as brain-dead and not caring about what you idiots do. We are watching what you are doing and we are getting increasingly fed up with all of you. I also want you to know that I personally find just about everything you do and say to be offensive to every one of my sensibilities. I promise you that I will work tirelessly to see that you do not get a chance to spend two terms destroying my beautiful country.
Every real American
P.S. I rarely ask that emails be 'passed around'.............PLEASE SEND THIS TO YOUR EMAIL's past time for all Americans to wake up!
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Mr. Obama:
I have had it with you and your administration, sir. Your conduct on your recent trip overseas has convinced me that you are not an adequate representative of the United States of America collectively or of me personally.
You are so obsessed with appeasing the Europeans and the Muslim world that you have abdicated the responsibilities of the President of the United States of America. You are responsible to the citizens of the United States. You are not responsible to the peoples of any other country on earth.
I personally resent that you go around the world apologizing for the United States telling Europeans that we are arrogant and do not care about their status in the world. Sir, what do you think the First World War and the Second World War were all about if not the consideration of the peoples of Europe? Are you brain dead? What do you think the Marshall Plan was all about? Do you not understand or know the history of the 20thcentury?
Where do you get off telling a Muslim country that the United States does not consider itself a Christian country? Have you not read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States? This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and the principles governing this country, at least until you came along, come directly from this heritage. Do you not understand this?
Your bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia is an affront to all Americans. Our President does not bow down to anyone, let alone the king of Saudi Arabia. You don't show Great Britain, our best and one of our oldest allies, the respect they deserve yet you bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia. How dare you, sir! How dare you!
You can't find the time to visit the graves of our greatest generation because you don't want to offend the Germans but make time to visit a mosque in Turkey. You offended our dead and every veteran when you give the Germans more respect than the people who saved the German people from themselves. What's the matter with you?
I am convinced that you and the members of your administration have the historical and intellectual depth of a mud puddle and should be ashamed of yourselves, all of you.
You are so self-righteously offended by the big bankers and the American automobile manufacturers yet do nothing about the real thieves in this situation, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Frank, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelic, the Fannie Mae bonuses, and the Freddie Mac bonuses. What do you intend to do about them? Anything? I seriously doubt it.
What about the U.S. House members passing out $9.1 million in bonuses to their staff members on top of the $2.5 million in automatic pay raises that lawmakers gave themselves? I understand the average House aide got a 17% bonus. I took a 5% cut in my pay to save jobs with my employer.. You haven't said anything about that. Who authorized that? I surely didn't!Executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be receiving $210 million in bonuses over an eighteen-month period, that's $45 million more than the AIG bonuses. In fact, Fannie and Freddie executives have already been awarded $51 million not a bad take. Who authorized that and why haven't you expressed your outrage at this group who are largely responsible for the economic mess we have right now.
I resent that you take me and my fellow citizens as brain-dead and not caring about what you idiots do. We are watching what you are doing and we are getting increasingly fed up with all of you. I also want you to know that I personally find just about everything you do and say to be offensive to every one of my sensibilities. I promise you that I will work tirelessly to see that you do not get a chance to spend two terms destroying my beautiful country.
Every real American
P.S. I rarely ask that emails be 'passed around'.............PLEASE SEND THIS TO YOUR EMAIL's past time for all Americans to wake up!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Miss California
Just as many young girls (and boys) are too willing to give their love and heart to anyone who will show them attention, Christians are too willing to give their admiration to undeserving people in the spotlight. There must be more to picking a role model than someone who makes a truthful statement. We must be thorough in looking at the life and actions of those we want our children to admire and emulate. That person's life needs to be examined through the filter of Scripture. Does that person have the qualities that we desire our children to have?
Now that might-as-well-be-nude pictures and completely nude pictures have surfaced, do we still want Carrie Prejean to be our spokeswoman for traditional marriage?
Why on earth would Liberty University ask her to speak at their college? Her "Christian values" do not include modesty. She took off her clothes to earn money. It's that simple. Her discernment is obviously lacking in that area, and now we know that it goes deeper than prancing around a stage in a skimpy bikini.
Can someone make mistakes in their younger years, and then change for the good? Yes. But don't stand up on a national stage to make a statement about the immorality of others without admitting there were things in your past that were not acceptable. And don't sign a contract.
The contract, which all contestants are required to sign, contains a clause asking participants whether they have ever been photographed nude or partially nude and if they conducted themselves "in accordance with the highest ethical and moral standards."
When a photo of Miss Prejean showed up of her in only pink underwear and a smile, she insisted that it was taken when she was 17, and that it was a lapse in judgement, but that there are no other photos. Oops. She forgot about the completely NUDE pictures she posed for, that have now surfaced because of the attention she has garnered. It is very likely she will lose her crown and title of Miss California as a result of herlie memory flub.
Do not give away your heart or your admiration to the first good-looking person who stands up and makes a true statement. We must be more discerning than that.
Now that might-as-well-be-nude pictures and completely nude pictures have surfaced, do we still want Carrie Prejean to be our spokeswoman for traditional marriage?
Why on earth would Liberty University ask her to speak at their college? Her "Christian values" do not include modesty. She took off her clothes to earn money. It's that simple. Her discernment is obviously lacking in that area, and now we know that it goes deeper than prancing around a stage in a skimpy bikini.
Can someone make mistakes in their younger years, and then change for the good? Yes. But don't stand up on a national stage to make a statement about the immorality of others without admitting there were things in your past that were not acceptable. And don't sign a contract.
The contract, which all contestants are required to sign, contains a clause asking participants whether they have ever been photographed nude or partially nude and if they conducted themselves "in accordance with the highest ethical and moral standards."
When a photo of Miss Prejean showed up of her in only pink underwear and a smile, she insisted that it was taken when she was 17, and that it was a lapse in judgement, but that there are no other photos. Oops. She forgot about the completely NUDE pictures she posed for, that have now surfaced because of the attention she has garnered. It is very likely she will lose her crown and title of Miss California as a result of her
Do not give away your heart or your admiration to the first good-looking person who stands up and makes a true statement. We must be more discerning than that.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Why is it necessary
for my kids to wake me up when I'm napping on the couch? And then not only to wake me up, but to stand by the couch and request things that I obviously cannot accomplish where I am.
And today, Daddy is home. And awake.
I don't need to be needed that much.
Don't they know I'll be in a less than lovey mood?
And today, Daddy is home. And awake.
I don't need to be needed that much.
Don't they know I'll be in a less than lovey mood?
Monday, May 4, 2009
That is the amount of money Barack Obama has spent in attorney fees to keep his original birth certificate hidden!
Why would anyone in their right mind spend that much money, unless they had something to hide? Like the fact he was born in Kenya? Hmmm.
Why would anyone in their right mind spend that much money, unless they had something to hide? Like the fact he was born in Kenya? Hmmm.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Volume does not mean you're right,
it just means you're loud.
Perez Hilton is loud. And obnoxious. And apparently equivocates that with being right. I hate to burst his gay-bubble. (He's the judge that asked Miss California her last question, and is now demanding (LOL - WHO is he?) that she step down from being 1st runner up.)
I do not have to be tolerant of him or his lifestyle, any more than he has to be tolerant of the fact I find him completely offensive, on many levels.
Being loud does not mean he is smart; it does not mean he is right; it does not mean he is even relevant.
It just means somewhere along the line, he learned that he could beat down others by being a loud-mouth.
Burns me up.
Perez Hilton is loud. And obnoxious. And apparently equivocates that with being right. I hate to burst his gay-bubble. (He's the judge that asked Miss California her last question, and is now demanding (LOL - WHO is he?) that she step down from being 1st runner up.)
I do not have to be tolerant of him or his lifestyle, any more than he has to be tolerant of the fact I find him completely offensive, on many levels.
Being loud does not mean he is smart; it does not mean he is right; it does not mean he is even relevant.
It just means somewhere along the line, he learned that he could beat down others by being a loud-mouth.
Burns me up.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Spokesperson for Marriage
I have to say, at first I was impressed with Miss USA's answer to the question, "Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit, why or why not?"
She stumbled a bit at the start, saying, "In my country," and then went on with the rest of her answer, saying that she feels marriage should be between a man and a woman.
Here's what bothers me. First, I don't need a beautiful, skinny woman prancing around the stage in a bikini, covering very little of her surgically enhanced body to be my spokesperson. There are plenty of wholesome, fully clothed women who would do just fine.
Second, I don't think she should be praised and honored for speaking the truth, even in a difficult setting. When did that become such a rarity that we are impressed?
Third, she didn't answer the question very well. She didn't address states' rights, as she was asked. She only answered the question from the perspective of her personal opinion. She would have been more precise to speak to the right of each state to decide that question for itself. Even if she had then given her personal opinion, she may have not been marked down.
To say that judges who marked her down for her answer did so because she is against same-sex marriage is not a fair assessment. I believe I would have marked her down because she stumbled in her answer, and because she did not answer the question in the most accurate way.
I saw Miss North Carolina/Miss USA on Fox News. She says she would have answered the question, "All states have elected officials, and they all have the right to make their own laws, as they see fit, that best represent their state's population. And on a personal standpoint, ..." She goes on tospew say that Americans have the right to choose their partner, and that they should have the same opportunities to legal unions.
I completely disagree with her opinion. COMPLETELY. But I would not have marked her down for her answer. She spoke about states' rights, and then gave her opinion. Her answer would have been a complete, concise answer.
I believe marriage is an institution created by God for the purpose of glorifying God in procreation, and is a picture of the relationship between the Church and God. I believe that same-sex anything is an abomination to God, and it is a travesty that our country has fallen so far from God to accept it in any way, shape or form. I consider my marriage to be the second-most wonderful, blessed miracle God has given to me, topped only by Salvation.
So, while I agree with the answer given by Miss California, I don't need her to be my spokesperson in favor of traditional marriage.
She stumbled a bit at the start, saying, "In my country," and then went on with the rest of her answer, saying that she feels marriage should be between a man and a woman.
Here's what bothers me. First, I don't need a beautiful, skinny woman prancing around the stage in a bikini, covering very little of her surgically enhanced body to be my spokesperson. There are plenty of wholesome, fully clothed women who would do just fine.
Second, I don't think she should be praised and honored for speaking the truth, even in a difficult setting. When did that become such a rarity that we are impressed?
Third, she didn't answer the question very well. She didn't address states' rights, as she was asked. She only answered the question from the perspective of her personal opinion. She would have been more precise to speak to the right of each state to decide that question for itself. Even if she had then given her personal opinion, she may have not been marked down.
To say that judges who marked her down for her answer did so because she is against same-sex marriage is not a fair assessment. I believe I would have marked her down because she stumbled in her answer, and because she did not answer the question in the most accurate way.
I saw Miss North Carolina/Miss USA on Fox News. She says she would have answered the question, "All states have elected officials, and they all have the right to make their own laws, as they see fit, that best represent their state's population. And on a personal standpoint, ..." She goes on to
I completely disagree with her opinion. COMPLETELY. But I would not have marked her down for her answer. She spoke about states' rights, and then gave her opinion. Her answer would have been a complete, concise answer.
I believe marriage is an institution created by God for the purpose of glorifying God in procreation, and is a picture of the relationship between the Church and God. I believe that same-sex anything is an abomination to God, and it is a travesty that our country has fallen so far from God to accept it in any way, shape or form. I consider my marriage to be the second-most wonderful, blessed miracle God has given to me, topped only by Salvation.
So, while I agree with the answer given by Miss California, I don't need her to be my spokesperson in favor of traditional marriage.
Why I need a separate blog
There are many issues that burn me up, and I don't want to use my daily blog to vent about them. I am writing this blog to vent about social, economic and political issues.
It's not really something for others to enjoy, per se, but a way for me to put my thoughts in writing.
It's not really something for others to enjoy, per se, but a way for me to put my thoughts in writing.
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